As a writer, it`s important to understand the importance of subject-verb agreement when crafting your sentences. Failure to do so can result in confusion and ambiguity for your reader, ultimately leading to a decrease in overall comprehension.

To help you test your knowledge on subject-verb agreement, we`ve compiled a list of exercises below that come complete with an answer key. Whether you`re a seasoned writer or just starting out, these exercises will help you sharpen your skills and reinforce good habits.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. The cat (meows, meow) loudly in the morning.

Answer: meows

2. The children (is, are) playing in the yard.

Answer: are

3. The book (has, have) many interesting stories.

Answer: has

4. The team (wins, win) the game if they score one more goal.

Answer: wins

5. One of the boys (is, are) coming over later.

Answer: is

Exercise 2: Identify the subject and verb in each sentence and determine if they agree.

1. The dog barks loudly.

Answer: Subject: The dog, Verb: barks, Agree: Yes

2. The birds fly over the trees.

Answer: Subject: The birds, Verb: fly, Agree: Yes

3. The baby cries in her crib.

Answer: Subject: The baby, Verb: cries, Agree: Yes

4. The teacher and the students walks to the classroom.

Answer: Subject: The teacher and the students, Verb: walks, Agree: No

5. Each of the students study hard for the exam.

Answer: Subject: Each of the students, Verb: study, Agree: Yes

Exercise 3: Correct the sentences that contain subject-verb disagreement.

1. The group of friends were playing basketball.

Answer: The group of friends was playing basketball.

2. There is many reasons why people should exercise.

Answer: There are many reasons why people should exercise.

3. The company was sued by the employees for unfair treatment.

Answer: The company were sued by the employees for unfair treatment.

4. The news on the television are always so depressing.

Answer: The news on the television is always so depressing.

5. The runner with the blue shirt and green shorts are in the lead.

Answer: The runner with the blue shirt and green shorts is in the lead.

Subject-verb agreement is an essential component of clear and effective writing. By practicing exercises like these, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and easily understood by your readers.